Saturday 4 January 2014

Electrical Connection – Part 4 (Her Perspective)

On our way from the vehicle to eat breakfast out on the terrace, out in the open, my friend excused himself to freshen up and pack, and said he’d join me later.

I strolled in with the man I wanted to get to know. I could sense him; almost feel his presence all around me, in me, deep within me. My entire body was pulsating, as if it was being electrocuted, on and off.

“May I join you?” he asked politely.

“Of course,” I replied, stopping myself from saying, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

We didn’t stop chatting all through breakfast even when his friend joined us. I wanted to be alone with this man. I longed for it to be just him and me and this place and the bush and a waiter to serve the food with no one else around. Did anyone else even exist? The conversation flowed; it was so easy to talk, to share, to find out everything about him.

His friend excused himself to go and settle the bill and said that he’d meet him outside at the front of the lodge, near reception, whenever he’d finished. “No need to rush,” he added, looking at both of us. But, of course, we had no choice but to end our first breakfast to get to where we each needed to be, separately, on time. Our holiday had ended, sadly come to an end and yet, things were only just starting to begin.

What excruciatingly awful timing.

Why did things have to end up in a way that is of no use, useless…?

As soon as his friend left, my friend arrived. We’d just finished eating and I said that I needed to pack my things, standing up, excusing myself. He did the same and followed me out.

“May I walk you to your room? I’d love to see the view.”

“Sure,” I said, and almost ran ahead, leading the way.

We did not speak – what was there to say?

I opened the door to my room, stood aside to allow him to enter and closed the door behind us. He stood in the lounge area, near the table and chairs, looking out of the glass doors – at the view he said he wanted to see. I did not believe him.

“You didn’t come here to look at the view, did you?” I said, slowly walking towards him.

“What makes you say that?”

“The look in your eyes.”

“What look is that?” he asked.

“You know; it is your look after all.”

“But I can’t see it,” he said. ‘I can’t see what you see. Tell me.”

I chuckled. I looked at him – a look filled with all the passion steaming from my core – and did not answer.

He stood there, ran his eyes slowly up and down my body and then took a step closer towards me. Slowly, he reached out, grabbed hold of my wrist, pulled me towards him and passionately kissed my lips. I could feel his hardness against my pelvic bone. I could feel myself getting wetter.

I pulled away from him, almost panting.

He gasped.

“You’d better go,” I said. I could not take much more. I needed my thoughts to calm, the heat searing my body to extinguish. The only way that would happen was if he left. Besides, he needed to be on time for a meeting and then on a plane back to the UK.

‘Yes, er, yes, I had better.’ He stumbled backwards, appearing wobbly on his legs.

With dread, I said goodbye to him at the front door to my room. He handed over a business card, his details. Another heated hug. Another heated, deep, long kiss. Passion causing my body to overheat further. Further overheating, overwhelming me even further.

And then he was gone.

To be continued...

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