Friday 3 January 2014

Electrical Connection - Part 3

Only three other guests occupied the vehicle – once again I was last, and ignored all three available backseats. I had to be near her, as near to her as possible while among strangers. I approached the side of the vehicle where she sat and stood on the step to climb inside.

“Shall I move out of the way?” she asked, smiling.

“I’ll climb over,” I replied, grinning, and stepped over her legs to sit beside her, with her friend sitting on the other side of me.  

The ranger handed out thick, woolly blankets to all of us. She wrapped her blanket around her knees and pulled the cap she wore down over her forehead, hiding her face, sheltering it from the freezing morning air. She appeared even more enthralling– more mysterious with a hat on, covering her features, hiding her dark blonde hair that was tied up in a bun beneath.

The animals viewed on the drive up to that point were insignificant: impala, zebra and warthog. However, the feelings building inside me were the most significant I’d ever encountered. I wanted only to talk to her yet I was mindful of the other guests desperately seeking out the Big 5. Did they notice what was happening to me? Could they sense the heat that must have been radiating from my body, my loins? I didn’t care; cared less what the others thought, when all I cared about was what she thought, was feeling and wanting and needing.

We stopped after spotting elephant in the distance, to the left of the vehicle, the side where she sat. The herd was too far away to perfectly capture with my compact camera. Instead I observed her with her fancy DSLR camera – she turned her body slightly to the left, towards the elephants, away from me and zoomed in further to capture the calf running along the veld. I noticed how everyone admired the elephants except me. The profile of her face, her fascinating lips, the elastic band restraining her hair at the back of her neck and her pale, kissable throat distracted me beyond control.

She turned back towards me, smiled and said, “Am I in your way? I can lean forward…” Her knee rested lightly against my upper leg. Was that deliberate or an accident?

“Not at all; please carry on. I can’t get a great shot with my camera anyway.” I felt the heat of her body reach out to me.

“I could always give you a copy if mine turn out well.”

“Thank you; I’d like that a lot.” I swallowed hard. All I could think about was being in possession of her contact details. If she emailed me the photos then I could email her back, thank her and perhaps...

She moved slightly to face the front, no longer with her right knee against my thigh yet I could still feel her heat, her presence. It burned through my jeans, causing my skin to prickle.

During the ride back to the lodge, it felt bumpier than at the start and her leg kept brushing up against mine or was that the other way around? Our arms and shoulders touched, and what felt like an electric bolt was getting stronger, magnetically moving us closer and closer. Or, again, was this my imagination, my wild imagination playing grand tricks on me?

Fuck! I realised right then, whilst again studying the profile of her face, lips – a full bottom lip that perfectly protruded, begging to be nibbled – mouth, jaw, nose and back to her lips again, I realised just how intensely I desired this woman. I wanted to scream: “What the fuck is going on here?” I wanted her more than I could ever remember wanting another woman before. How can this be at my age? When I thought I’d never meet anyone again.

To be continued...

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