Thursday 16 January 2014

Branded and Burned

Dear Reader,

I am he. The luckiest man in the world. She came into my life and you now know what happened. You may, and I hope, be moved and exhilarated by what you have read from both souls. He, that is me, will try every day to put it into words. With this blog we have tried to do that but, it's like painting a rainbow and not easy.

He, that is me, wanted to write a poem to her, not something done since 17, that would maybe convey his feelings, my feelings, and this is it...

Who knows what catches your heart,
When something amazing is about to start.
To not expect to connect, that is probable
But when it happens, well, it is unstoppable.
To fall but to rise into a pinnacle of highs
And to melt in those stunning blue eyes.
That is the cauldron of steaming desire,
Bubbling and fizzing like rockets of fire
So be unprepared to have your life turned
Upside down, inside out, branded and burned.
If you thought life had passed you by, be wise,
Don't miss the chance to fall into those blue eyes.

So, I sent it.



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